If you don't know who Albert Mohler is, you should. Dr. Mohler is one of my many heroes in the faith; an author, preacher and president of Southern Theological Seminary in Louisville, Kentucky. He is wise and intelligent, a rare combination these days and he graciously shares his insights without condenscension.
His program, "The Albert Mohler Program" is an hour-long radio broadcast, Monday through Friday, from 5 to 6 p.m. that is carried by radio stations across the country. You can also listen online be found on iTunes as a podcast. Each week, he addresses issues ranging from theology to politics to science to you name it. And on every Wednesday, Dr. Mohler opens his show to any kind of question that his listeners will throw at him. He always responds without hesitation and is never above admitting that he may not know something. All in all, Dr. Mohler always has something interesting to say and he excels at his aim, to encourage "intelligent, Christian thinking".
So, if you haven't heard Albert Mohler, I would urge you to listen to him.
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