December 24, 2008

My Christmas Prayer

Dear Heavenly Father,

Thank You for sending Your Son as a little baby to grow up and live the perfect life I couldn't. Thank You for how wonderful You are, how loving, gracious and holy. Without Your Son I would be nothing, the whole world would be utterly meaningless. So thank You for giving life meaning to me.

My prayer this year is that others would know that meaning and experience the gift of Your Son in their lives this Christmas; that they would find the real meaning of Christmas in the life and death of Your Son for their sins. Please lead them to Your forgiveness.

Glory to You this Christmas season. Hallelujah for what You have done. All praise and honor to You. In Jesus' powerful name, Amen.


Susan said...

God is a balanced God of justice and mercy.
Praise Him that although He requires payment for the penalty of our sins, He also provided the Way out-His only begotten Son,
Christ Jesus, who suffered, bled, died, and arose to save His people from their sins!
What a Saviour! What a Lord!



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