January 30, 2011

God, Who is Like You?

Holy God, with eyes like fire,
What could I do to please You?
Is there anything in me You could desire?
Is there any good that I could do?
Entangled in sin up to my eyes,
Even my “good” deeds are as filth.
I'm worth nothing but the pyre.
O God, who am I before You?

Mighty God, with eyes of flame,
Who am I before You?
I look at the many works that You have made
There is nothing You can't do.
Your deeds are marvelous,
Your wonders are grand,
And I am but a rebellious slave.
What is my worth before You?

Gracious God, who formed my being,
What is my worth before You?
Surely I am dust and filthy as the lowest thing,
And unable to stand before You.
But You formed my inward parts,
And knit me together in the womb.
Every part of me You have always seen.
How do You not see my sin?

Glorious God, with radiant face,
How do you not see my sin?
From my egregious evil You turned Your eyes away.
As Jesus took my place, condemned.
His righteousness now mine,
My penalty paid by Him.
Your holy wrath is now assuaged.
O God, do You love me so?

Wondrous God, who sent Your Son,
Do You love me so?
Five wounds attest the answer yes, the vict'ry's won
You've washed me white as snow.
Nothing in me but what You've done
In You only is my hope.
Bought by Your grace,
You've made me Your son,
God, who is like You?

-Nathan C. Matthews




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