I recently finished reading
The Power in Prayer by
Charles Spurgeon. Though short in length, this book delves far beyond the surface of its subject matter and provides helpful insights into both the reasons and modes of prayer. Starting from the most basic aspects of prayer, Spurgeon masterfully progresses to some deeper and perhaps less thought of facets of the praying life. I especially appreciated Spurgeon's challenge to prepare myself as I come before the Lord of the Universe to make my petitions as well as his treatment of "Order and Argument in Prayer", which I will be posting on later (Lord willing). In all, I recommend this book to you wholeheartedly for your edification.

Another resource that has been encouraging and enlightening to me has been the audiobook
A Short Life of Jonathan Edwards, written by
George Marsden and produced by
Hovel Audio. This audiobook has been an insightful overview of
Edwards' life that sets itself apart from other biographies in its comparison and contrast of Edwards to his contemporary
Benjamin Franklin. Another short book (about four hours in length),
A Short Life receives my full endorsement.
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